Thursday, October 1, 2009

Apply Criteria on XPCollection

CriteriaOperator criteria = new BinaryOperator("Age", 30, BinaryOperatorType.Greater); CriteriaOperator criteria = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age > 30"); xpCollection1.Criteria = criteria; CriteriaOperator filter = CriteriaOperator.Parse("Age > 30 AND Age < 40"); xpCollection1.Filter = filter; gridControl1.DataSource = new XPCollection(Session.DefaultSession, typeof(MyObject), new BinaryOperator("UnitPrice", filterValue, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual)); xpCollection1.Filter = new InOperator("Name", new string[] {"John", "Mike", "Nick"}); CriteriaOperator criteria1 = CriteriaOperator.Parse( "Iif(Field1 == 100, Field1, Field2) > 1000"); XPCollection collection1 = new XPCollection(typeof(MyObject), criteria1); class MyObject : XPObject { decimal unitPrice; public decimal UnitPrice { get { return unitPrice; } set { unitPrice = value; } }} // Select MyObject objects that match the specified criteria. decimal filterValue = 20; gridControl1.DataSource = new XPCollection(Session.DefaultSession, typeof(MyObject), new BinaryOperator("UnitPrice", filterValue, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual)); CriteriaOperator filter = new BetweenOperator("Age", 20, 30); xpCustomers.Filter = filter; // Retrieves a collection of the Contact objects which match the criteria that represents // the logical expression (DefaultAddress.City <> "Chicago"). XPCollection collection = new XPCollection(typeof(Contact),CriteriaOperator.Parse("DefaultAddress.City != 'Chicago'") // Retrieves a collection of the Contact objects which match the criteria that represents // the logical expression (DefaultAddress.City <> "Chicago" AND not (Company is null)). XPCollection collection = new XPCollection(typeof(Contact), CriteriaOperator.Parse("DefaultAddress.City != 'Chicago' AND Company is not null") // Retrieves the Contact objects that contain an address, // and the city which is given in the address is the same as the person's city. // The "^" symbol represents a reference to the Owner object, //The '^' character is used to refer to the parent in a parent-child relationship. The parent relationship traversal operator allows you to access parent objects in expressions written in the context of a child. // the parent object of the Locations collection. XPCollection collection = new XPCollection(typeof(Contact), new ContainsOperator("DefaultAddress.Owner.Locations", new BinaryOperator( new OperandProperty("City"), new OperandProperty("^.DefaultAddress.City"), BinaryOperatorType.Equal ) ) // Represents the Person class which contains account information. public class Person: XPObject { [Association("PersonAccounts", typeof(Account))] public XPCollection Accounts { get { return GetCollection("Accounts"); } } } // Represents the Account class which contains the amount in the account. public class Account: XPObject { [Association("PersonAccounts")] public Person Owner; public int Amount; } XPCollection collection = new XPCollection(typeof(Person), CriteriaOperator.Parse("Accounts.Sum(Amount) < 100") XPCollection collection = new XPCollection(typeof(Person), CriteriaOperator.Parse("Accounts[Amount = 0].Count == 1") CriteriaOperator.Parse("[FirstName] Like 'A%'"); CriteriaOperator.Parse(String.Format("[Address1.City] = '{0}'",City)); CriteriaOperator.Parse("[IsGlobal] = true");

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